Tuesday, 29 April 2014

UKIP Demo Tonight, After Farage Kicked out of The Bell

UKIP leader and all-round racist (and elephant-hating) scumbag Nigel Farage is set to give a "sell-out" talk to curious and supportive residents of Bath this evening. However, we have it on good authority that "some" of those tickets may have been claimed by activists. Anti-immigration advocate Farage (whose own family were French immigrants escaping religious persecution) last week declared a hatred of elephants, along with his UKIP chums, by voting "No" to a key resolution on the ivory trade. Other members of UKIP, some of whom have been suspended, have recently been quoted saying that the Somerset floods were God's revenge for gay marriage, and that British-born comedian Lenny Henry should move to a black country.

This afternoon, Mr Farage was asked to leave The Bell Inn on Walcot Street in Bath. The Bell's statement reads:
"Just had UKIP leader Nigel Farage and his be-suited henchmen in the pub with a BBC News film crew. 
Avoiding any actual political argument, I told him that he was welcome as a citizen to have a pint – we are, after all, a public house – but it was inappropriate for him to be using our premises for his hustings. I asked the camera man to stop filming. Most of the entourage then finished or left their drinks and went outside. They may have continued filming outside, I don’t know, but that is the public highway and they have every right to.

Martin Tracy of The Framing Workshop said he’d brought them in as he thought it would help raise the profile of Walcot Street. He had the decency to apologise when he realised how inapt that was.

I wrote this because our frontage may well feature on tonight's BBC News or BBC West News, and I'd rather not be deluged with complaints"

Tonight's demonstration will be outside Farage's talk in The Forum, 1a Forum Buildings, St James Parade, Bath, BA1 1UG from 6.30pm. Go along and tell him he's not welcome in our city.

The "Farage Wave", just after he was kicked out of The Bell - buy Gary a pint here: http://www.thebellinnbath.co.uk/vinyl-dj-sets/2-uncategorised/46-buy-gary-a-pint

Update: Ticket holders refused entry to Nigel Farage's talk "based on looks alone" http://standingstonesblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/ticket-holders-refused-entry-to-nigel.html

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